How we can pull out a report of staff access to identify who has access to what and who is getting what notifications.

There are multiple places that need to be configured to determine who gets what alert. It is quite complex and difficult to pull a report on.

Alerts can be based on:

ASSIGNED TO ALERT (against Category trees within each module)

  • Category Tree Assignees (Settings > Drop Down Lists > module, eg Feedback > Category. Can then view who is assigned to each category.

The system then refers to the assignees following details to determine if they are to be alerted or not:

  • Assignees User Group (Settings > Security > Users tab)

  • Policy Access of the Assignees User Group (Settings > Security > Policies tab > review the module in question (eg. Own Unit, Own Unit Tree, All and so on)



This is based on which position within each Site/Service has been ticked as the Org Unit Manager for alerting purposes should a record be submitted within that Site/Service.

This is managed in:

  • Position Allocation (Governance > Positions > Position Allocation tab)

  • Filter on the unit in question

  • Select the position considered to be the position that should be alerted should an event occur in this site/service area

  • Ensure the ‘Is Org Unit Manager’ checkbox ticked



There are 2 reports that can be run to show high level access details, but as demonstrated above, it is not possible to run a report on all alert aspects.

  • User Security Group - a user security group report you can run from Reports > ionMy Default Reports > Your Permissions

  • Menu Permissions - a report can be run to see which Menus/tabs can be Viewed, Added to, Changed per user group. This report is also found within Reports > ionMy Default Reports > Your Permissions