Getting Started Guide

Basic Navigation
Main Screen

My Reminders – If you are assigned to any Alerts/Reminders they will be listed here. You would also have received an email advising you of the Reminder.

My Open Actions – any Action that has been assigned to you are listed here. Again, you may have received an email advice if the reminder is set up correctly.

The scrolling message at the top of the screen can be changed by a person with appropriate security permissions in System Settings > Dashboards > Settings and selecting Home Screen Greeting.

Here is a Staff List screen.

To return to your Home Screen, simply click the Company Logo in the top left-hand corner.

Employee Movements

Adding a New Employee

There are two ways you can add new employees into ionMy; (1) via web services interface automatically synching records with your payroll system or (2) Using ionMy ‘Add Employee Wizard’. Either method, the system will automatically generate a Staff Id number.

Employee Wizard

If not using an automated interface the recommended way of entering new employees is by using the Add Employee Wizard, which is found at My Workforce > Employment Details > Add Employee Wizard.

Follow the 7 easy steps entering as much or little information required by your Organisation.

After this Step a screen is displayed showing all of the details you have just recorded. If you find a mistake, you can click on the Edit button under any of the headers.

This will take you back to that particular part of the process, where you can make your amendment, and then continue following through the Steps again.

If you are happy with the details, select the ‘Create Employee’ button found at the       

 bottom of the page

A green successful message is displayed

Assigning an Employee to a Position

If not using an automated interface and synching to your source payroll system, should you seek to allocate a staff member to their subsequent positions, you must:

  • Go to Our Workforce > Employment

  • Select your employee. This brings you to the Assignments tab

  • Select the relevant Unit from the drop-down box

  • Select the relevant Position from the drop-down box

  • Enter a date into the Allocated Date field

  • Enter an amount in the Percentage Occupy field.

Entering additional data into other fields within the page is optional. Once you have entered all of the required data click on the Save icon.

Press   Save once completed.

Transferring an Employee

To transfer an employee to a new position, either this is done via an automated interface that manages position changes, or if manually done you first need to Unassign them from their current position held (unless the employee is in multiple positions). To do this;

  • Go to My Workforce > Employment

  • Select your employee. This brings you to the Assignments tab

  • Select the Position that you wish to unassign them from

  • Enter a date in the Removed Date field

  • Click on the ‘Unassign’ button.

his removes the selected position from the staff members list of current assignments and updates the Position History for the staff member.

You can now Assign them to their new Position using the steps above (see Assigning an Employee to a Position).

Terminating an Employee

There are 2 options with terminating an employee; either automatically via a web services interface or manually via the Termination Wizard function. To record termination dates, check on Assets held and remove them from their Allocated Position and User Access, it is much neater to use the Termination Wizard than by just changing the users status field.

Termination Wizard

Using the Termination Wizard removes the employee from their current position, records a termination date, checks if the employee has Assets assigned to them and advises you if they are in an Organisational Position that may be linked to various functionality within ionMy that may effect alerts.


This is a simple, 10 step process and ensures all your data is updated according to the termination. Go to My Workforce > Employment Details, select your terminating employee from the List screen, and select the Termination Wizard tab.

And follow these easy Steps:


Step 4 confirms any Committees this Employee was assigned to. Here you can also reassign another Employee who will then automatically be assigned to all alerts that relate to this committee. Leave the replacement empty if you only want to remove the Employee from the Committee. You can reassign the member or organiser later.






You can reassign Actions here.




When you click on Terminate Employee this will take you to the final Step and you will see confirmation Message the Employee has been terminated.

Processing an Accident/Incident

Please note that the steps provided here operate in a consistent manner for your Infections, Compliments & Complaints, Quality Improvement records, Hazards and Risks.

Creating an Incident record in your Core database (see Compliance App notes for entering via Compliance App)

·       Go to Compliance > Incidents. This will bring up a list screen of existing records.

·       Click on the ‘New’ button. This will open a ‘popup screen’ for the beginnings of your new entry.

·       Complete all details, making sure you select the correct Accident category from the ‘Category tree’. This is important as the system will dynamically position you to fields relevant to the category selected plus category is a key area for reporting and alert purposes.


Click to Continue Processing. This dynamically takes you back to the page relevant to the category type. In some instance this is main details screen, pulling through the information you have entered already, plus auto populating drop down lists pertaining to the Person Involved type you selected. In other instances to a dynamic specifically designed page with relevant fields for your entering.








·       Complete all other relevant details and the Site/Service that this occurred in.

·       When you are happy with the details entered, select ‘Save’.

·       You will be asked if you want to save this as ‘Draft’ or ‘Open’. The difference being ‘Draft’ does not send out any automatic alerts, whereas ‘Open’ means you are ready to start processing the incident and alerts will be sent.

Closing an Accident/Incident record

Again, this procedure works the same in most areas within ionMy. Whoever has the rights to do so may sign off and close a record.

·       From your Accident List screen, select the record you wish to close.

·       Click the Sign Off icon      

. This will bring up the Sign Off Details screen where you can enter in the Sign Off Date and select if you are Signing Off AND Closing, or just Signing Off but wish the record to remain as Open

·   Once signed off, the record status is changed to ‘Closed’ and the sign Off details are updated with Who signed off and the Date.

Depending on your system settings, users might only have access to view closed records, meaning that closed records cannot be edited. If you would like this functionality enabled, please contact


ionMy has a sophisticated reporting functionality, created by Izenda. You can use our set of default reports, edit a default report to cater for your needs or get creative and make your own.

The ionMy suite of default reports are found under Reports > ionMy Default Reports


Viewing your Organisations existing report suite

 Access the Report List by selecting Reporting > Our Report Suite

Any previously saved reports will be listed on this page, in categories. To expand a category click the + sign, or to roll up a category click the - sign




Click the title of any report to open the Report Viewer and view the report’s results

Editing a report

Depending on user permissions, you may have the ability to edit reports. To edit an existing report, locate the report in the Report List and select the Edit link to the left of the report name,


or when viewing a report in the Report Viewer, select the Design link on the right- hand side of the Report Viewer menu.


This will open the current report in the Report Designer, where you can update Fields (columns), Filters, etc.

Saving your report

To save and override the existing report settings, click the Save button in the Report Viewer menu. To save as a new report, click the Save As button.

You will need to give your report a name, which will be displayed in the Report List.

You may also select which category your report appears in on the Report List. Your options are to:

  • Select the blank entry at the top of the categories list for your report to not appear in a category

  • Select (create new) to create a new category, and input the name of your new category

  • Select an existing category, if a suitable category is already listed/used.

Exporting and sharing report data

In the top menu bar of the Report Viewer, there are several options for downloading and exporting your report.

  • CSV: this creates a comma separated values file, for opening in Excel or other spreadsheet or database software. For Excel you can also export in MIME format. The XML option may also be useful for database systems other than Excel.

  • Word: these options export files to be opened in word processors – Word, OpenOffice, and any other word processing system. If you need to further format your report (add organisation headers etc), you can do that in the word processor.

  • The Report Viewer also has email functionality. The Email button will open your computer’s default email handler, with an email for you to send. This email contains a link to your report in the ionMy system. Any recipients of the email will need to log in to ionMy to view the report.


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