Infections - Reporting

To report an Infection go to your core system and select Incident Management > Infections Register.

This could be named Compliance > Infection Records

Your Dashboard may look slightly different to this depending on your organisation or the environment in which you work

It is worth noting that the steps provided here operate in a consistent manner for your Infections, Incidents Compliments & Complaints, Quality Improvement records, Hazards and Risks


You will be taken to the list screen showing a List of existing Infection Records.

From the top right-hand side of the screen click on the ‘+New’ button.

This will direct you to the Infection Details

This form shows questions relating to the Infection so that you may make your new entry. Work systematically though the form from left to right. Choose from the dropdown selections according to your own company’s customised form

  • Give your Department

  • The Infection Group (i.e Ear, Oral, RTI, UTI)

  • Infection Type (i.e RTI, Gastroenteritis, Skin)

  • The Date that the infection was identified, if not ‘today’

  • Medical Practitioner’s name

Please note that all fields that are marked with a red Asterix* are mandatory and must be completed before you can continue processing and submit your entry.

  • From the drop-down list select the Site of Infection (the body part i.e, Ankle, Chest, Respiratory Tract).

  • Procedure (this is a free text field for you to make your entry).

  • “Tick” Yes or No to say if a Pathology sample was sent. Details of results can be entered as they are received.

  • Enter any Treatment

  • Tick c Yes to say if infection was present on Admission or is chronic/ongoing.

The Date Resolved and Notes can be filled in at a later date

Person involved Type: Enter the type of Service Recipient or staff

Give details relating to the person involved: their name and gender, DOB and any Contact Details.

Once you have completed all relevant details, used the large grey arrow at the bottom right-hand side of the page to return to the top of the screen and ‘Save’ the entry.

You must save the record before adding Actions/notifications, uploads, linking to other records.

Once saved you have the option to Escalate this to a Committee.

To add a new Action

Use the Table show and select + Add New

This will direct you to a new page and the system will alert you to the fact that: You are inserting a new record.

Complete the Action details, giving a clear Subject, Date and who the Action is to. Give details of the Action/Message in the free text field.


As the action in Open you may enter a follow up date and schedule this every few days, or weeks, depending on priority.

Save the action and you will receive confirmation:

Once saved a record of this action will be sown in the Action List relating to this Infection record.


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