
This tool is used to set agenda’s and capture minutes from meetings.

Your Committee/Meeting should already exist as an option within ionMy. If not, please contact your Region Super User to do so.

To access Committees module select Governance > Committees


Committees tab > Select your Committee/meeting name by clicking the ‘Edit’ icon which takes you to Meeting Schedule Dates.

Is your meeting schedule date there?

Yes - click on the edit icon to be redirected to the Meeting Details tab. Edit any relevant details and save.

No – click on Add New entering in your meeting date and other required fields and save.

Once saved, your standing agenda will now be visible. Add, change, delete existing Agenda Items as need be.

Once happy, click the Publish Agenda

A new popup screen displays which includes a checkbox to ‘Include response note’. A Response Note lets the committee member select, from their email, whether they plan to attend, are tentative or decline the invitation.

An email is then sent to all Committee members with the proposed Agenda

Once they respond, the Committee Meeting details screen is automatically updated with their response.



Be logged into your ionMy database and on the appropriate Meeting Detail screen, showing the Agenda.

As Agenda Items are discussed, simply click on ‘Add Minute’

Enter in minute details as required. Users can also select who is Responsible, Due Date and if this item is to carry forward to the next meeting.

Once a minute is saved, actions can be created, the minute can be linked to CQI records and Standards plus attachments can be uploaded.



The status of the meeting now needs to be changed to ‘Held’, on the Meeting detail tab, to enable the Minute Publish button.

Once saved, select the Minute Publish icon.

A new screen is presented with the details that will be included in the email that is sent to all Committee members. You can also select which uploaded documents you would like to attach to the email.

Click OK to send the minutes.


Click here to download a copy of the guide