How to Enter a staff Vaccination Record


  1. From your home screen of ionMy hover your mouse over “Our workforce” and click on “Staff Vaccinations”

  2. Select the staff member you are wanting to update by clicking on the view/edit pencil. This will take you to the Vaccination list screen.

  3. From this screen, you can view the mandatory vaccinations for this staff member, you can either click “Add New” up the top right-hand corner  or click “Create” next to the vaccine name. Either option will take you to the “Vaccination Details” screen.

  4. For this training guide “Add New” has been selected and the name of the vaccination can be selected from the drop box.

  5. Continue to add in any other information required, you can also add comments in the free text box.

  6. Enter the date by clicking on the calendar button, you can also choose to select a Coordinator from the drop box. This staff member will receive any alerts for this vaccination record.

  7. Press “Save” up the top right-hand side of the page .This will open up further fields for information to be added.

  8. If this Vaccine requires doses, you can now add this information by clicking “Add New” and a pop-up screen will appear

  9. Enter the information required for this dose.
    Note: “Site” is the bodily location the vaccine was inserted. Once these fields are completed click on the save button at the top of the pop-up screen.

  10. Back on the Vaccination details screen, you can see the details have been added and a “Next Dose Date” has been prepopulated. Note: if you selected a Coordinator in step 6, this staff member will receive a reminder in their emails that the next dose is due for this Vaccine and staff member.

  11. Down the bottom of the page there is an attachment table where you can upload any documents in relation to the record. When you click on “New” it will open up your document library on whichever device you are using.

  12. If you have finished with your record don’t forget to press the save button on the right hand side at the top of the screen.


There are reports available in ionMy to assist with your reporting requirements on the My Aged Care Portal. The information that is required are the total number of staff and volunteers, the number that have had Dose 1 and the number that have had Dose 2. You must also include data on authorised exemptions to a COVID-19 Vaccine.

Below is an example of the report. This information can be manually entered in to the My Aged Care Portal.

To find more information please see our training guide “Report Setup - COVID-19 Vaccination”


Click here to download a copy of the guide