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Drop Down Fields are a powerful tool within the ionMy solution that streamline data entry and task management. By providing users with a predefined list of options, these fields ensure data consistency, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency.


Drop Down Fields within ionMy offers several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Data Integrity: Prevents incorrect or inconsistent data entry by limiting options to predefined values.

  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlines data entry processes, saving time and effort for users.

  • Increased Consistency: Ensures that data is entered uniformly across the organisation, facilitating analysis and reporting.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Simplifies data entry tasks, making it easier for users to navigate and complete forms.

  • Customisation: Drop Down Fields can be easily customised to match your organisation's specific requirements and workflows


Settings Module

This training will take you through Drop Down Fields menu via the Settings icon


Creating Drop Down Field Values

  1. Navigate to your ionMy homescreen dashboard

  2. Hover your mouse over the Settings icon. Submenuoptions will appear on the right side of the main module

  3. Click on Drop Down Fields from the submenu options.

  1. This will lead you to the list of all Drop Down Field options available throughout the system, grouped by function.

  1. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB options within a function/module.

We will now go through some common examples that differ slightly in configuration requirements.


Adding a Person Involved Type:

The Person Involved type is used to categorise individuals based on their relationship to a particular organisation, such as staff, client type(s), volunteers or other stakeholders.

  1. Follow steps 1-5 at the Creating Drop Down Field Values section

  2. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  3. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types.

  4. Click on Person Involved. (This may be named something different based on your custom label settings).

  5. The page will refresh and redirect you to the PI list page, displaying the list of PIs created in your system.

  1. To add a new type, click on the Add New button located at the top right corner of your browser

  1. A pop up box will appear


  1. Check the Is Default checkbox if you want that PI to be selected automatically when creating a record

  1. If the PI type is a Staff member you need to tick the Is Staff? Checkbox. This will ensure that the list of staff retained in your Our Workforce module appears for selection when creating staff related records.

  2. TPP types are captured in your Our Community module. If the PI type you are now creating is linked to a TPP then you need to select the TPP type from the ddl beside Default TPP Type. This will result in the relevant list of names retained in your Our Community module to be presented for selection when entering a record.

  1. Enter the Name of the PI Type e.g. Staff, Volunteer etc in the name field

  1. You can arrange the PI type list by entering your desired sort order. We tend to set Staff at the highest sort order and then the rest of the list by alphabetical order. However, it is up to you to decide the order in which your PI types will be listed.


  1. Tick the Visible In Form Entry checkbox if you want this PI type to appear to frontline users when they are entering records via the Compliance Hub (refer to compliance hub manual for more details)

  1. Check the Visible In Core Checkbox if you want this PI type to appear when entering records directly in the Core system

  1. If you want this PI type to be available for selection when entering infection records via the infection Register, you simply tick the Show on Infection checkbox

  1. Click the Save changes button once done.

  1. Repeat steps 1-14 if you have more PI types to enter

Note: If you do not want to link the PI type to staff or TPP you can the simply leave the Staff Checkbox or TPP type ddl unselected. This will present the user an empty text box to manually enter the PI name.


Adding Category Tree Items

Note: We will use the Incident/Illness module throughout this training, however, the same concept applies regardless of the module you are working on.

  1. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  2. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types.

  3. Click on What type of incident happened (This may be named something different based on your custom label settings).

  4. The page will refresh and display a list of categories that have been added to your system.


  1. Click on the “Add New” button located at the top right corner of your browser.

  1. The page will refresh and a blank Category Details page will be presented.

  2. Enter the category name in the “Name”  field

  1. Enter the Sort Order to control the location of where this new option will sit within the list of options


Tip – Sort Order Increments

When configuring Drop Down Fields, it's recommended to use sort order increments of 5 or 10. This allows for easier management and updates in the future.

For example, if you have "Medication - Adverse Drug Reaction" at Sort Order 75 and "Medication - Pharmaceutical Error" at Sort Order 80, and you need to add a new option "Medication - Missed Meds", you can easily insert it with a Sort Order of 78.

By using increments, you avoid the time-consuming process of re-sorting all existing records to maintain alphabetical order.

  1. If you want to risk rate your incident you need to first create risk groups (refer to Creating Risk Groups section)

  1. If you want to link your category to another category, resulting in a Parent/Child category relationship, select the “parent” category from the Parent Box


    Note: You can select multiple categories by ticking the checkboxes as shown in the above image


image-20241008-030919.png Discussion – Parent and Child Nodes
Consider parent nodes as a folder and child nodes as the incident type. We open a folder (parent node) to select our desired incident category (child node).

i)    Parent Node - is a primary category that contains one or more subcategories, serving as an organisational point for related items

ii)   Child Node - is a subcategory that falls under a parent node, representing a more specific classification within the broader parent category.

  1. To set a category as a default (meaning when adding a new record that category will be selected by default) then tick the Is Default Option?(tick for yes) checkbox.

  1. If you wish to hide a particular category that is no longer required, tick the Is Hidden?(tick for yes) checkbox.

  1. If you want this new category to be presented to frontline users for selection when entering records via the Compliance Hub, tick the Is Form Entry Option?(tick for yes) checkbox


Note: Please refer to the Compliance Hub Training Manual for further details on this ionMy feature.

If this new category/form type has specific questions that aren't captured in the standard form, tick the Is Flexi Option (tick for yes) checkbox. Once you save, you can customise your form with those additional questions.

  1. The Parent’s Breadcrumb box is just an information box for administrators to easily identify what each category is linked to when you select an option from the “Parent Box

  1. You have the option to assign staff to automatically receive an alert should a user submit a record that is this category type. For example, your WHS Manager might need to be alerted to all staff incidents. In this case, you would choose Selected Position(s) and select the WHS Manager from the list of positions.

  1. Select the applicable radio button from the available options. You will then be presented with additional selection fields to select your alert recipients (Staff name vs. Position based selection criteria).


Tip – Setting by Position
When possible, we recommend using the Position option as this avoids having to manually update your assignees when staff changes occur.

  1. Once done click the Save button located at the top right corner of your browser screen.


Configuring Your Risk Matrix

A risk rating is an assessment that helps you evaluate the potential impact and likelihood of risks within your organisation. In ionMy, risk ratings are used extensively across various modules to prioritise and manage potential hazards.

Configuring risk ratings in ionMy involves several steps. To ensure you're set up correctly, we'll walk you guide you through the entire process.

Adding a Risk Group

  1. Follow steps 1-5 at the Creating Drop Down Field Values section.

  2. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  3. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types.

  4. Click on Risk Groups. The page will refresh and redirect you to the risk group list page, displaying the risk groups already configured within your system.

  5. To add a new group click the“Add Newbutton located at the top right corner of your browser.A pop up box will appear.

  1. If you want a risk group to automatically be linked to a category tree item when adding a new category, then you can tick the Is Default checkbox. This will override any previously set default item.

  2. Type in the Risk Group Name in the name field.

  3. Enter the Sort Order, based on where you want it to appear in the ddl

  4. Click on Save Changes” once done.

  1. Repeat steps 1-9 if you want to add additional risk groups


Adding Risk Consequences

  1. Follow steps 1-5 at the Creating Drop Down Field Values section

  2. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  3. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types.

  4. Click on Consequence. The page will refresh and take you to the consequence list page.

  5. Click on the ddl beside Risk Group.


  1. Select the risk group that you wish to add the consequences to

  2. To start adding Consequences, click on the “Add New” button located at the top right cornerof your browser.

  3. A pop up box will appear. Check the Is Default checkbox if you want this consequence to be selected by default when risk rating a record. This will override any previously set default item.

  1. Enter the Consequence Name.
    Note: This field has a maximum of 50 character.

  1. Enter the Sort Order, based on where you want it to appear on the risk rating ddl

  1. Click on Save Changes” once done

  1. Repeat steps 1-11 if you want to add more consequences


Adding Likelihood Options

  1. Follow steps 1-5 at the Creating Drop Down Field Values section

  2. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  3. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types.

  4. Click on Likelihood. The page will refresh and take you to the Likelihood list page

  5. Click on the ddl beside Risk Group.

  1. Select the risk group that you wish to add the Likelihood options to

  2. To start adding Likelihood, click on “Add New” button located at the top right corner of your browser. A pop up box will appear

  3. Check the Is Default checkbox if you want this Likelihood to be selected by default when linking Likelihood to a record

  4. Type in the Likelihood Name on the name field
    Note: This field has a maximum of 50 characters.

  5. Enter the Sort order, based on where you want it to appear on the ddl

  6. Click the Save Changes buttononce done

  7. Repeat steps 1-11 if you want to add more Likelihood options.


Setting the Risk Calculations

  1. Follow steps 1-5 at the Creating Drop Down Field Values section

  2. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  3. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types.

  4. Click on Calculation. The page will refresh and take you to the calculation page

  5. Select the risk group that you wish to add the Calculation to, where we will be using the previously configured likelihood and consequence items

  1. A risk matrix calculation grid will be presented. Adjust the calculations for likelihood and consequences based on your organisation’s rating criteria. When a staff member is setting a records risk likelihood and consequence options, the system will refer to this table and automatically calculate the risk rating.

  1. Click the Save button located at the top right corner of your browser

  2. A dialogue box will appear

  1. As this is a new configuration, and not yet linked to any existing records, it is safe to click the “OK” buttonto save the ratings.
    Note: If you are making changes to an existing risk calculation, please be aware that this may impact existing record risk calculations.

  2. You have the option to click on the Back to List button at the top of screen to select another risk group to modify its calculations

  1. Repeat steps 1-7 above if you have more calculations to add/edit for other risk groups.


Adding Risk Images

The Risk Rating image provides a visual representation of the assessed risks within the system.

  1. Follow steps 1-5 at the Creating Drop Down Field Values section

  2. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  3. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types

  4. Click on Image Library. The page will refresh and you will be presented with a list of images already in existance in your system.

  1. At the top of this view you will notice the Library Image section where you can “Please Choose a file to upload”

  2. You have the option to make your image selection from your desktop folder by either:
    a) clicking on Add File or
    b) using your mouse to drag and drop the file

  1. After making your selection, click on the Upload button. The File will be uploaded to the library image table.

  1. If you wish to delete an image from the table, you can simply click on the rubbish bin icon under Delete column


Note: you cannot delete an image if it is linked to a rating

  1. If you want to download the uploaded images from the library table, you can simply click on the download arrow icon under the column



Adding Ratings

Risk Ratings provide a concise evaluation of the level of risk associated with specific scenarios, actions or decisions. Typically expressed using numerical scales and qualitative descriptors.

  1. Follow steps 1-5 at the Creating Drop Down Field Values section

  2. Scroll down to Incidents / Injuries

  3. Click the + icon to view the available DDL or MSB field types.

  4. Click on Rating

  5. Select the risk group from the ddl, to add the rating for the calculations previously

  1. The page will refresh and the rating table will be displayed. Where you will need to update the Ratings, Sort Order, Rating Description, Graphic and Sent Alert fields.


Score – Nothing to be configured here. This is the calculation set up earlier in the calculation grid. Example: Low, Medium, High, Extreme

Rating - Is the level of Risk which can be qualitative (using descriptive terms) or Quantitative (Using Numerical values). Within ionMy this field is a numeric value.

Sort Order - Arrangement of items based on their assigned ratings, typically from highest to lowest or lowest to highest.

Description - brief explanation that clarifies the meaning or context of each rating.

Graphic- Visual Representation of each rating

  1. Only tick the Sent Alert checkbox if you want an alert to automatically trigger to a group of recipients if a particular rating is set in a record. For example, an alert can be automatically sent to a risk group when a risk record is rated as Extreme.
    Please refer to System Administration – Configuring Alerts training manual for more details on alerts.

  2. Once setup is complete, click on the Save button located at the top right corner of your browser.

  3. Repeat steps 1-8 to add/edit ratings for other risk group(s).



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