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My Settings > Security > Groups tab - this is where you create your 'User Groups' that you will link your Users to.


Here you simply add in the Name and Sort Order and press the 'Add' button. SEE PAGE 3, RE DUPLICATING - MUCH EASIER OPTION!

You can also add a Description if you like.  This is sometimes used if the User Group is complex or specific to a certain person and you want to record this detail.

Selecting the 'Report Security' button brings up all Report Groups within the Ionmy Reporting menu and allows you to 'turn off' access to different Reporting Groups for each User Group.

Just untick the 'View' box and press 'Save Changes'



Now you can link your Ionmy Users to the required 'Group'. So go to the 'Users' tab.

This defaults to displaying 'Staff'.  You also have the ability to create User details for TPP's, which you may like to give limited access to Third Party People such as Board Members or Volunteers.  To select TPP's just click the 'Clients and Suppliers' button and press 'Filter' and all TPP's will be listed instead of Staff.

Once you select the User you are updating, scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you can choose which 'Group this User belongs to', enter their Username and Password (twice) and press 'Save'. 


We recommend entering a 'default' password such as 'Newsystem1' and then each User can change their password in Self Portal > Personal Details > Security


Now the fiddly bit - setting up the permissions to each and every Level 1 (Main Menu), Level 2 (Sub Menu) and Level 3 (Detail screen) item within the database for each Group. 

NOTE: When ionmy is installed with your Organisation it comes with some 'default' Groups.  I suggest you have a look at these and make tiny adjustments where required instead of starting from scratch. There is also the ability to Duplicate Groups which is explained a little later.

So here are examples of each Level of Menu


Click on a menu name to go to level 2 menu


Click on a menu name to go to level 3 menu


and then if you click on the 'edit permissions' field you will see the actual permissions set against each 'Group', such as if that Group can View, Add, Change, Delete etc.


To change any of these, simply click the 'Edit' icon on the left and the fields will open up for ticking or unticking against the selected Group. Once done, select the 'Update' field.


View = Group can View records in this area

Add = Group can Add records in this area

Change = Group can change records in this area

Delete = Group can delete records in this area

Submit = can escalate a record to a committee, if the area has the Escalate to Committee functionality available

Approve = Only relates to records in Policy Document Revision, Staff Leave Requests and Purchasing Requests

Export = Group can create a Quality Improvement record from this area if it has the Create CQI Button and can export data via My Settings > Auditing menu

Upload = Group can upload support documentation within the uploads table


If you have a Group that has similar permissions to another existing group, you have the option of 'Duplicating'. This will duplicate ALL permissions set against the Group you are duplicating.  If you were to create a 'New' Group without duplicating, all of the Menu Permissions, as shown above, would be blank and you would be required to go through EVERY Menu Level 1, 2 and 3 and 'Edit Permissions' on all of these - very time consuming.  So to duplicate:

My Settings > Security > Groups tab.  Press the duplicate button next to the Group you wish to copy.


This will make, for example, a 'Copy of Staff' Group.  You can now click the 'Edit' icon next to this New Group and change the Name to what you want, and press 'Update'.

If any permission changes are required, you can now go and do this in My Settings > Menu. (as shown earlier)



In My Settings > Security > Policies tab - This will bring up a list of all Menus within i.on my that you can set specific Access to.


Selecting a Policy Area by clicking the 'edit permissions' field brings up a new screen: 


This is where you can set what Facility or Org Unit within ionmy that a specific Group can access, such as ALL of your Organisation, a specific Facility, Selected Org Units, the Users 'Own' records that they are 'linked' to or 'None'.

So for instance you may have Users that are in the Group of 'Senior Manager'. You can set their Policy access to 'Own Facility' so that a Senior Manager of ie. Child Care can only see records under the Child Care Facility. Or a Manager who is in Accounting can be set to 'Own Unit' and then can only see records relating or linked to the Org Unit of 'Accounting'. 

NOTE: These Facilities & Units are determined by the Position your User is allocated to and how the Positions 'sit' in your Org Structure.

When the Access Policy is set to 'Selected Units' you can select more than one Org Unit. 

Your Organisation may have Users in the same Group but each may be attached to various MULTIPLE Org Units.  For instance one Nurse may be attached to Hospital A and hospital B, where another Nurse may be attached to Hospital A and Hospital C.  There is the very flexible ability of being able to set Org Units at User (or Employee) level. As the picture above shows, you set the 'Access Policy' to 'Selected Units' but DO NOT select any Org Units.

Then go to the Users tab and click on, for example, your Nurse. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see the 'Override Selected Units in user Group' box. Select change and choose the Units this User can access.  So for example our Nurse 1 would have Hosp A and Hosp B selected, and Nurse 2 would have Hosp A and Hosp C selected. And as always, press 'Save'.


If this information is not enough, there are some great eTutorials on My Helper > Tutorials > Advanced Operations under the Security heading

Click here to download a copy of the guide:

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